MXDR: Advanced Threat Detection & Response

Genix fuses advanced analytics with human expertise, swiftly detecting and neutralizing threats. Experience centralized control for proactive risk management and compliance.


Why is it Important?

Genix sets the foundation for your organization to ensure:

Our Capabilities


Security Monitoring and Analysis

Our Security Monitoring and Analysis category is dedicated to collecting, analyzing, and reporting on security data to pinpoint potential threats and vulnerabilities. We offer:

Risk Management Services

Network and Data Protection

Our Network and Data Protection strategies are geared towards safeguarding networks and data from diverse cyber threats. This category encompasses:


Proactive Security Measures

In our Proactive Security Measures category, we deploy advanced strategies and technologies to prevent and mitigate cyber threats ensuring managed extended detection and response before they escalate. This includes:

Genix Cyber

Threat Response and Automation

Under Threat Response and Automation, we prioritize streamlining responses to cyber threats and optimizing security processes. Our capabilities include:

How MXDR Works

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