Your Trusted Partner for Incident Detection and Response 24/7

Genix delivers an effective ITDR solution that helps businesses of all sizes identify, contain, and recover from security incidents. By combining advanced technology, experienced security analysts, and proven methodologies, we ensure your organization is prepared for any cyber threat.

Managed Extended Detection and Response

Our Services

Our SIEM solutions are tailored to your setup, constantly monitoring network activity, apps, user behaviour, and system configurations for any unusual changes. This real-time monitoring helps us catch suspicious activity, including new threats, right away.

  1. Advanced Threat Analytics with Machine Learning: Using machine learning, we analyze large data sets to spot subtle anomalies that could signal an attack. This includes things like odd login attempts, unauthorized data access, or unusual spikes in network traffic – all potential signs of a security breach.
  2. Actionable Threat Intelligence Integration: Real-time threat intelligence keeps our team updated on the latest cyber threats and Indicators of Compromise (IOCs). This allows us to pinpoint potential attacks quickly and respond faster to emerging threats.
  3. Multi-Channel Alerting: Receive immediate security alerts via email, SMS, or integrated ticketing systems, ensuring a swift response to potential security incidents.

Your incident is handled by certified security analysts with expertise in incident investigation and forensics. They use advanced tools to thoroughly analyze compromised systems, reconstruct attack timelines, and identify how attackers gained access.

  1. Advanced Forensics: Our analysts use advanced forensic tools to go beyond basic log analysis, uncovering attacker footprints and the root cause of incidents to prevent future attacks.
  2. Proactive Threat Hunting: Instead of waiting for alerts, our analysts actively search for threats within your network using techniques like memory analysis and network traffic inspection. This proactive approach helps us catch threats early.
  3.  Collaboration is Key: Throughout the investigation, our analysts work closely with your IT team, ensuring everyone is informed and coordinating a response to the incident.

We use automated playbooks to quickly contain threats during incidents, such as isolating compromised systems or blocking malicious IP addresses. This rapid response minimizes the impact of attacks.

  1. 24/7 Security Operations Center (SOC): Our dedicated SOC team monitors containment efforts around the clock, making real-time adjustments to counter attacker tactics and effectively mitigate threats.
  2. Incident Collaboration Platform: We use a collaborative platform for incident response, facilitating real-time information sharing and coordinated remediation efforts among all involved parties.
  3. Transparency Throughout: We keep you informed with clear updates on the containment process, helping you make informed decisions about business continuity and recovery steps.
Why Genix?

Advanced Threat Detection with SIEM

Our SIEM systems are specifically configured to your environment, providing real-time insights and threat detection capabilities.

24/7 Security Operations Center (SOC)

Our dedicated team of security analysts is on high alert around the clock to investigate security alerts and guide you through the incident response process.

Streamlined Response with SOAR

We leverage SOAR technology to automate repetitive tasks, allowing our analysts to focus on complex investigations and decision-making.

Expert Guidance Throughout the Process

You’ll receive clear communication and expert guidance from your designated Security Account Manager, ensuring you’re informed and involved in critical decisions.

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